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The StairSteady helps you to keep your independence on your stairs while staying safe.
The StairSteady is a high quality fixed handrail and a sliding supporting handle that moves freely when pushed but locks in place when weight is applied. It acts as firm support for either climbing or coming down the stairs.
The handle is sturdy and secure and lets you have both hands in front of you as you climb or descend the stairs at your own pace. Once you reach the top or bottom the handle folds neatly away letting you stay independent without having to compromise on appearance.

The StairSteady

The StairSteady is useful in lots of different situations, maybe you are recovering from some treatment or injury or you have a long term condition that affects your stability? We have helped people of all ages with many different conditions.

We have helped a wide range of people including people who are recovering from strokes, head injuries and chemotherapy as well as people with amputations and long term medical conditions such as M.E., diabetes and obesity.

The StairSteady is flexible and it is possible for more than one person to use it with an extra handle and end piece.

The Invention

The StairSteady was invented by Sheffield girl, Ruth Amos, for her school GCSE course at just 15 years old. She won, amongst other awards, the prestigious ‘Young Engineer for Great Britain’ for the StairSteady.In 2013 the StairSteady was awarded ‘Best Established Product’ by the British Healthcare Trade Association. We now sell the StairSteady through a network of local friendly Dealers in the UK and has recently started to branch out into other areas of Europe and Canada.

The StairSteady is manufactured in the UK to the highest standards ISO 9000; this is something that is very important to the company. It is quick and easy to install and requires minimal ongoing care. If you are unsure if the StairSteady is for you then why not try one of our Demonstration Units so you can test the StairSteady before you buy.

The StairSteady is very flexible and can help people with a wide range of needs; it isn’t simply for the elderly and infirm, although it does without doubt help many people in either of these situations. We have helped a wide range of people including people who are recovering from strokes, head injuries and chemotherapy as well as people with amputations and long term medical conditions such as M.E., diabetes and obesity. We have also been able to help people with specific needs such as being partially sighted.

The StairSteady can be used by both young and old as well as by multiple users. We can accommodate most stair types and our engineers and staff will be able to offer you an honest opinion on whether the StairSteady is right for you.

For more information, please visit or contact our team here at TPG DisableAids. 

StairSteady | TPG DisableAids
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